(awkward and awesome)

(awkward and awesome)
First Wive's Club...one of Ma's favorites

Monday, April 16, 2012

Suck It Up Sat...(a few days later)

Back at the Rabbit Trail: And seriously, how cute is this little guy? In love!

FFF this Saturday left no room for blogging. FFF= Forced Family Fun. It's when you have fun as a family even if you must do it at gun point. It's a good time.

Anyway, so I have lost 2 lbs. so far on the Weight Watchers. Not bad. I find that I really am having trouble keeping up with meals. I just don't eat. What can I say? I'm a fat chick breaking the molds of society. Well, I'm eating more now.

I'm drinking more water. I was drinking diet soda BUT studies show that drinking diet soda (due to it's artificial sweetness) tricks the brain into treating the NOT-sugar like sugar so...that's messed up.

So that's pretty much it so far. I do have a funny story for you. If you don't laugh, the terrorists win.

Sooooo I'm at the Wal-Mart when I hear my name. It's Bama Mamma with newly dyed hair, looking foxy. Now, she has not met my girls, and like every proud mother, I take this opportunity do introduce my middle child. As raise my arm to make introductions to the little girl looking at baby clothes with her back to us, she proceeds to lift her dress, put her hand in her unders and scratch her left buttock. True story. I am shocked into silence. Bama Dad sums it up by saying, "Looks like someone's got an itch." How correct and horrifying at the same time.

Nothing but class from the Easley girls....nothing but class. So proud.

A quick peek into the Inside Joke Jar: Bird!

So anyway, that's it for this week. I'll let you know about week two in my adventures of WW.

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