You know that we all have our weird. Here's one of mine. I don't like blue food. It makes me think of moldy food. I don't want to eat it. I do eat blueberries, but that is a natural blue. Instead of making fun of me, my wonderful husband of almost 11 years shows me he thinks of me by only handing me bags of M&M's with all the blue ones removed. It's bad enough that they are blue, but the also replaced the tan ones. I loved the tan ones.
It's the little things people fall in love with. You both laugh at "Is there a Marine Biologist in the house?". You love the way they smirk when reading the comics. You can both burp on command. You both would rather swim in a lake than a pool.
Sometimes it's the little things that break you up. They never did try to find out how you take your coffee. They made a face when you talked in funny accent even when it was funny. They never thought you looked nice enough. They thought Seinfield wasn't really that funny.
What is really cool is when the person you love loves you through your weird. That's what makes an open bag of M&Ms sans the blue ones so special. He doesn't lecture me on my aversion. He doesn't make fun of me about it in front of others. He just says, "Okay, no blue food for you." He smiles and keeps loving me.
Some say love with diamonds, some with wine, but only the best of men can woo with blue M&Ms and a smile.
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