(awkward and awesome)

(awkward and awesome)
First Wive's Club...one of Ma's favorites

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It sure is hard to pull of sexy drippin' with sweat

Not that I'm trying to pull off sexy because it just comes so natural, but dripping with sweat does block the sexy rays. I mean d-r-i-p-p-i-n-g. Splish splosh. I try to be adult about it, but yeah, it's not working. I'm trying not yell at children, but the "Please stop that." increases in volume from my brain to my mouth. I have to write lists with things to do because I'm forgetting things like turn on the stove burner to make rice. I didn't realize how difficult it is to function when you're uncomfortable. Granted, the hot summer isn't helping, but really, laundry shouldn't be a matter of rocket science. How does one fold towels? I think my brain might be melting in parts and that's what the problem is. Melting brains also take away the sexy. True story. I will say this, I do have dear friends who are helping us out as much as they can, and for that, I am truly thankful. I'm thankful for a lot of things like the ability to rant out my sweatiness on this blog...and leaving sweaty arm marks as I do it. Not sexy. I'm waiting for God to do amazing things, and I'm really trying in faith to believe that He will do them for me, not just other people. The heat makes you grouchy, not as productive, trying hard to find the humor and really anti-social. I can't remember feeling this way before, but I don't think I've been this hot before. I don't think I've had to be the one in charge when this hot either. Letting children go all Lord of the Flies super not sexy though a really tempting choice. Keep cool for me people, and keep praying for me too.

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