(awkward and awesome)

(awkward and awesome)
First Wive's Club...one of Ma's favorites

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sassafrass Sunday

I'm sexy and I know it. Bear dared me to use this one this week. I know I'm sitting in the car not standing. Trust me. The lumps are the same. So the body remains unchanged, but I think I may have hit on some of my weight loss pot holes. And yeah, I really did hit them.
1) Man I love soda. Gotta stop drinking those calories.
2) I think I'm hot no matter how fat I am. I embrace my inner fluff, and I can't help it that fluff is good-looking. It genetic. Seriously, all the ladies in my family are fantastic. Just ask them.
3) I under eat. I just forget, or I get busy. My fat cells are all, "Dig in Reatha! We're in here for the long haul!" My body thinks it's never gonna eat again, so it clings to my thighs like a co-dependent roommate. I never had one of those, but I've seen that Lifetime movie, so you know it's real. Basically, I have to get better about eating regular meals not just random snacks. Truth is, for a fluffy fox, I don't really eat that much. I just don't eat properly.

So now that I'm seeing some things I need to work on, it can only help. I need to see if I can get an update for Team Me on the Biggest Loser. Anyone know?

So, back to work for me, and have a super fun day off if you got one tomorrow.


  1. I love how one of your fat cells is called Reatha!! HI-LARIOUS! Well how about the veggie smoothies ? I love them I have at least one every day.

  2. i've been doing fruit, not veggie smoothies

  3. I absolutely LOVE the fact that I can hear you speak as I read your blog :) Love you my fluffy, foxy friend


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