(awkward and awesome)

(awkward and awesome)
First Wive's Club...one of Ma's favorites

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Results Thus Far...

Sorry no pic...couldn't find one I liked.  Anyway....

So we had the IEP.  Very interesting stuff.  The mood was very she's-gone-all-crazy-white-lady-make-it-stop. It was very obvious they were trying to calm me down.  We laid out our concerns.  They answered them, and for the most part we are satisfied that #2 will continue to get the education she needs to be getting.  Apparently, even though the test says she's not smart, they think that's just the Autism talking and that she's plenty able to learn.  They just gave her that test to rule some things out.  Uh-huh.  Ooookay.  Always ask exactly what kinds of tests they will give your kids.  Always and exactly.  The one little bit I'm not satisfied with will be addressed in the fall after I've had time to research it.  No biggie.  I do still tend to lodge an official complaint against the good doctor because even though he was the nicest he's ever been to date, it doesn't excuse his past behavior.  Not to mention, I wonder how he might have acted had I not raised such a rabble. We do intend to have her re-tested by someone else next year.  I also did point out that if the doc hadn't missed the meeting all of this could've been avoided.  It's sad that I even have to work this hard to make it work, you know?  Why do ESE parents have to make so much noise to get their kids the right help and the proper tools?  My kid isn't more special then anyone else's...she just takes more time.  So that's it.  Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.  Your support of my sugar-pop means so much more to me than I could ever ever express.  Thank you.

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