(awkward and awesome)

(awkward and awesome)
First Wive's Club...one of Ma's favorites

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

HAHAHAHAAA! Oh Jen, You Really Do Need Adult Supervision

You know, sometimes things just don't work out the way you think they just might. For instance, I pictured going on my hike
with some folks from church and then
going home and getting ready for my
sample sale. That was pretty much it. Nothing, I don't know, dramatic or anything. And then...

And then Eric went back they way we came because Ella "just can't take it any more..why is there so much walking?" Perhaps if they installed those moving walkways people would be more inclined to enjoy the great outdoors. I'm just brainstorming here.

And then I had to catch up with everyone else because Lili L.O.V.E.S. Delaney so obviously she had to hike with her. I get Lili back and Eric is too far to follow but I can still see the other group so I follow them. And then,

And then there were TWO different paths to follow. So I follow the path markers we had been following. It was the right direction but the wrong path. It took me a lot longer because I had to carry Lili (who was a little trooper even at 4) most of the way and the path was the longer one as well. A mountain biker told me I didn't have far to go (Praise the Good, Good, really really Good Lord!) when I heard someone shouting my name. I answer back to hear "Don't move! We're sending a dog after you!"
I laugh knowing that there is no way on this side of Heaven that I shall ever live this down. It's not that they called out the dogs; they were training in the area that day, but come on! Oh man. That one's gonna stick to me like a milk dud. Also, search and rescue people and their dogs are burly my friends. Just saying.

So what did I learn?

1) I am blessed to have people in my life who like me enough to send out search parties to find me.

2) It is possible to be going the right way down the wrong path...there's a sermon in that I just know it.

3) Team Easley will be hiking as a five pack from now on.

4) Yup, apparently everything I do is dramatic....even going for a walk in the woods.

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