Today, most vile evil came upon some poor little angel babies. They couldn't even defend themselves. They must've been so scared. It's so futile, I know, but I wish I could've done something to help them. It doesn't matter that it's not possible. I still wish it. Parents shouldn't have to bury their children, and children shouldn't be afraid of school. It's simply vile and wrong and evil.
My fear is that this horror will be used only to promote the kind of gun control that will turn honest and good men into criminals and make illegal gun runners very rich. That's also wrong. If one is bent on committing evil, one will do it on either side of the law.
I'm finding it hard to sleep. I weep for those angel babies. I didn't know them, and in all probability, I never would. Still, I weep for what could have been. The doctors, lawyers, plumbers, artists, humanitarians, explorers, comedians, firefighters that were lost to evil on this day. The great things they might have done. The great parents they might have made. The better world we might have lived in...all stolen from us...
Lord Jesus, bring comfort to these shattered heart and lives; protect us from such evil; heal the poor demented minds that would do such things; show us Your light on this very dark day....
So agree, You have such an amazing way with words.