(awkward and awesome)

(awkward and awesome)
First Wive's Club...one of Ma's favorites

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

And Now...

Hey Jen, why the picture of Darcy from BBC's Pride and Prejudice?  Because it's Tuesday, and this scene is awesome!  What?!

Right now we are at the part of summer break when we terrorize our siblings for amusement.  Good times.  So I thought I'd ask my question while there is a lull in the madness...I have about 5.3 minutes tops.

While this blog is what helps keep me put together, it's not just for me.  One of the main reasons I do this is to encourage others with my life adventures and the crazy stuff that happens around here.  You're not the only one with crazy kids, weird family and messed up friends.  I got a bucket of 'em.  They're fun on the holidays.  I digress.  The point is, what kind of stuff do you want to see?  More stories about the kids?  How I'm dealing with the Florida ESE system?  How to's?  Snippets from my stories?  A Vlog so you can hear the crazy from my own two lips?  What say you?

Now for something really big...for me anyway.  As many of you know, I don't run.  I walk.  I get balked at by runners for this, but at least I'm moving it.  Go open yourself a can of ZipIt and enjoy.  My cuz-in-law, who's weight loss venture you can follow by checking out her blog I Am My Alter Ego, told me about an all ladies half marathon in SC, next year that she thinks we should do together.  I said heck yes.  Why did I do this?  Because you get a tiara and a feather boa at the finish line.  Good health and long life?  Eh.  Look good in a swimsuit?  Seeing as how I'm pretty enough as is, not a motivator.  A sparkly tiara?  Let's do this.  I'm researching how to train and I'm walking as much as I can.  Believe it.  Now that all y'all know, no take backs.

Leave a comment and tell me what you what you think my peeps!


1 comment:

  1. I like to hear the crazy daily life and how you deal with it all. And every so often a fun to do :)


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