(awkward and awesome)

(awkward and awesome)
First Wive's Club...one of Ma's favorites

Friday, November 5, 2010

Chapter Two...The Table

The Foyer is vanquished. On you travel....

What's this before you?! An elevated plane of wood arises. It's guarded by six guardians that lure prey by offering a place of rest, repose and refreshment. The plane of wood is draped in cloth lined protection. Bits of refuse little the ground around the feet of the guardians. Drips of things splattered and papers meant for the bettering of a child's education dot the top of the plane of wood...taunting...and waiting. Without waiting for the first strike, you attack! Wiping the drips and clutching at papers in deft, swift motions that almost defy gravity, you advance. Then, with your Wand of Bristles you round up all floor bound refuse, and after depositing it accordingly, you firmly put each of the guardians in their place. No need to fear here...the Table is yours!

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