So I realize that people are not always good at priorities. It happens. I have to admit though that I feel we as humans aren't doing such a great job. And it's just getting a bit out of control. Here's what I mean.
We worry about how much people like our posts on any given social media, but we're not supposed to care about what people think of us in person. As a matter of fact, we should act however we need to act to get what we want right now.
We worry about not offending anyone because we don't want people to think badly about us even if it means taking unjustified abuse from someone who thinks badly of you for whatever reason.
We judge each other's parenting decisions regardless of the actual outcome, (i.e. a decent person has raised) because we have the correct way. The only way! We know the truth, and your kid is going to jail. We have more grace for religious differences than we do parenting differences. It's madness.
And speaking of judging... no judging allowed. It doesn't matter if you rape cats while murdering old ladies, no one can tell you you're wrong. Common sense is in very short supply, but if you have a bit, please don't share Judgy Judgerpants.
We fret about diseases from everywhere around the world. But we still don't lock our front and car doors. Yes, viral epidemics happen, but if we all just wash our hands and use some tissue, we will most likely be just fine. I guess it's easier to worry about viruses than to lock our doors.
We won't buy a chicken sandwich from a fast food joint that has an employee that doesn't agree with gay marriage, but we buy gas from and support the economy of nations that hunt down gay people and kill them in horrific ways.
We rail against, well anyone and anything that has fattening food, but we don't lay the responsibility of the over indulging of such food at the eaters feet where it belongs. If it wasn't available, we wouldn't it. Guess what? If it didn't make money from you buying it, it wouldn't be available. Capitalism baby.
And because I can, guns don't kill you. They are simple machines that can do nothing unless operated. If guns kill people, then forks make you fat. Cups make you drunk. Wrenches make you fix cars. Shoes make you walk. Glue guns make you craft. It's all the same.
Priorities. I'm just saying. I hope you like this post, but if you don't, you can't judge me and I don't care what you think anyway. If your mom raised you the correct way, this wouldn't be an issue. Now, go wash your hands germ spreader.
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