Guard your pearls well. Very well.
And because not everyone is worthy to see them is why you guard your pearls. Pigs don't know what pearls are. They don't care either. They only want for themselves. It's very safe to say that many of you know what I'm saying right now because we did throw our pearls before swine, and we were trampled on and torn apart. Maybe we were the pigs ourselves. I can think of two times when I know I didn't see pearls for what they were. I am deeply sorry for it. I've also been torn apart by not being careful with my pearls.
I can tell you right now that there are very few people in this world who have seen all my pearls because quite frankly I just don't trust people. Not right away. Sometimes not ever. Show me how well you keep your precious things, and then we'll see.
One of the big reasons I married my husband is that he always makes me feel beautiful. He's not even trying to get into my pants...usually. (sorry..just sayin') He is a very good steward of me. I work very hard to be a safe harbor for him. I have a friend in Alabama I haven't seen in 3 years, but I would be willing to bet that she is still as she ever was which is one of the best friends I've ever had, and I will always be grateful to know her generous and forgiving heart. I have 4 more friends in various states, OH, CA, VA and Orlando (If you haven't been to Orlando, trust me, it's a state all it's own with Mickey Mouse as it's benevolent dictator.) with whom I trust with my life..even my kids. My sister and cousins-in-laws were truly born for my times of contention. I'm not sure there are any in this world that would fight harder for me. And I am blessed beyond measure to have friends down the street, around the corner, and just down Scenic Highway with whom I can do every day life without fear of judgement for stupid mistakes or for just being Jen.
Don't put your pearls on display. Keep them hidden. Guard them well. Those who really want them will go diving and searching for them. They will risk cutting themselves trying to pry them out of you. They will see the value of you because they are willing to bleed for you. That's big. Way big.
I leave you with this reminder: You have a treasure in your soul. Treat it as such. Give pigs the slop they want. Save the pearls for princes and princesses who will take very good care of them. You are worth the dive. You are worth the work. You are amazingly precious. And that right there is as true as water is wet, the sky is blue and the grass is green.