(awkward and awesome)

(awkward and awesome)
First Wive's Club...one of Ma's favorites

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Symptoms and The Rules

I was talking on the phone with a most fabu person, and this person said that her problem with churchy people is that they have so many rules for being an actual believer in God.

I hear that.

Let me be clear.  To be a Christian, the Bible says you have to believe that Jesus died for your sins, you are sorry and seek forgiveness for these bad things you've done, and you want Jesus to guide your life so that you don't continue to do these bad things that hurt yourself or others.  That's it.  Everybody got that?  I'll get to the rule thing in a mo...

Now, how can you tell if someone has made this life choice?  The same way you know if you have a cold: by the symptoms.  If you suddenly find your life long drinking, cussing, sleeping-with-anything-that-moves buddy is cutting down on such things until they are now Cola drinking, not so cussy, trying to respect themselves enough not to cheapen themselves and others with meaningless sex friend, you are looking at some symptoms.  This person is changing and showing signs of living a Christian life.  Symptoms.  Likewise, your "Christian" brother is lying on his taxes, talking seductively with women (or men, you never know) on line or in person, but are "faithful" to their spouse, and they have a tendency to treat service people like something they should scrap off their shoe, they are showing signs of living a most un-Godly life.  Again, symptoms.

Many times, a person who is really trying to live in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord, following the Bible, listening to others who actually follow the Bible isn't following rules.  They are just showing symptoms of Christianity.  That's all.

Back at the rabbit trail:  Unlike cold symptoms which are meant to warm and keep people away, these symptoms should be attracting people.  Kindness, love, helpfulness, courage and faithfulness are strong attractions.  If you're not attracting people, maybe your Christianity has cold.  Also, if people aren't saying, "Well, duh, Jen's a Christian." by my ACTIONS rather than my words, that's a symptom that I need to be getting it together.

Now as to the rules.  Yes, there are guidelines for Godly living in the Bible which by having a healthy love and fear for the Lord, you're gonna WANT to do as a Christian.  If you don't like rules, well sorry about your luck.  Civilized life has rules that benefit you.  So if you're all like, "Rules suck.", I'm sure you won't mind when someone steals your car.  Thieves think rules suck too.  I digress.

I give you the example of one of the best basketball player ever:  Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls.  He was an amazing player, and you know what helped him be so?  He knew the rules.  He could be so great and amazing because he knew the rules and used them to become legendary.  The same applies with God.  He doesn't want to limit you.  Those rules are for your protection, and so that by knowing them and playing the game well, your life and legacy is legendary.

To reference a previous post, while the rules apply to ALL believers, you need to make sure YOU are playing by the rules before you start telling others they are fouling out of the game.  Got that?

Oh and wanting to know and follow the rules, are symptoms of Christianity too.  I hope that clears things up.  Leave all comments and questions below.  I'd love to know what you think.

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