(awkward and awesome)

(awkward and awesome)
First Wive's Club...one of Ma's favorites

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

And Now I'm Over My Hissy Fit..Well, For Now...

So my sister asks, "Hey.  What ever happened to your Suck It Up Saturdays?"  So I told her.  What had happened was...

Bear noticed there was a crack in our scale.  We bought a really cheap one, so it's really not a surprise that it didn't last long.  We get a new professional one.  We zero it out.  We are ready to go.  Now, I'm thinking that maybe the reason I have hit a plateau with my old scale is because it's broken, and maybe I actually weight less.  

Bear gets on the scale.  It reads that he weights 30 lbs LESS.  Are you kidding me?  This was great for him because it gave him a boost to keep going with his own weight loss efforts.  I'm all WOOOOP!

I get on the scale.  It reads that I weigh 12 lbs MORE.  (Insert the profanity of your choice here)

Are. you. kidding. me?!

Not only am I heavier than I thought, but I don't even know where I started from really.  If the scale was that broken to read him heavier and me lighter that I have no real beginning weight.  How flippin' fat was I to begin with?  I don't really know, and because I don't, I don't really know how much I've actually lost.  It was like all that work I did was for 0 results.  Yes, I did lose weight.  My clothes are more loose.  People tell me they notice a difference.  I get that.  Here's the thing.  I've been in pain for the past 3 months now training for this half marathon.  I hurt all the time.  It's not fun.  I don't like working out; I never have.  I do it because I like the results, and I want to finish this diva walk.  I can't even say, "This sucks, but I've lost ____ lbs at least."  I don't have that.  Basically, it's starting over.  

So I was mad for two weeks.  Still worked out but didn't do WW or anything like that.  Bear finally said what I needed to hear.  "Keep going or quit.  And since you're not much of a quitter, I guess you're going to keep going."  So onward my friends.  Starting over.  Putting on those big girl panties of mine and getting on with it.


  1. Oh my love how you make me smile! I need that number too! I think we all do that tangible number that says hey it's worth it! Just remember the biggest goal is a longer healthier life with your hubby and kiddos! The closest goal being the Diva Half Marathon!! You've got this girl!! Those events aren't gonna have an exact number attached so be less worried about that silly number. Be consistent in working towards your goals and proud that everyone around you knows you're not a quitter!!!

  2. I've got this fancy scale that measures weight, body mass, fat percentage, etc etc etc, and I still get frustrated because the numbers go up and down like crazy. So I pay little attention to the numbers, more to the results. Oh, and I went through the "I hurt all over" thing too. It passes, thankfully, as you keep on going. then suddenly one day you look and you have these crazy muscles on your legs. My legs look great. If only I could do something about the spare tire that just won't. go. away. But it will, eventually. Just keep going...


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