April Capps, Christine Fient, Kelly Blevins, Jenny Ernst, Jennifer Scott, and Carrie Coddington: these were my middle school buddies...really the only friends I had. I was definately NOT popular, but it was okay. I had the friends I needed.
Heidelburg: man...the best part about Heidelburg is that everyone knew that you were gone in 3 years because it was an army base. It's hard to describe a place where the new kid isn't new for long because everyone knows what it's like to be the new kid...man...it was a great place...so many great friends and times. Kalli, Lorna, Anita, Gooch, Tosh, Scauflaire, Susan, Frank, Kevin, Walt, and Greg....best. friends. ever. still. I wish for each and everyone of them absolutely nothing but the best. I miss them almost daily, and our adventures are still my best stories.
Sigh...Lizz. Rissie. Krissy. Ants. Mark. Rose. I truly have no words for you guys. You are so in my heart. As stated in Nicolas Nicholsby, "Family is not only those with whom we shared blood, but also for those which we would shed our blood." That'd be you.
Also in that same catagory comes Sandina, G-Dog, Hill-Billy, Bri-Baby, Bubbason and Danna D...our college days didn't include lots of drinking but I'm not sure if people could tell. What does it say about you you're just as goofy sober as most people are under the influence? Hush. That was rhetorical. Thanks for helping me grow up....slightly.
And recently added to this list is Kimmee for whom the Navy has swept away to VA. and Fawn who is still in town just not as available as she used to be. It's just not the same without you guys.
Blessings that you can't even imagine or contain be given to each and everyone of you. I've been blessed to have known you...thanks again.